Marlow Montessori
(and forest school)
Bovingdon Green Village Hall, Frieth Road, Marlow, SL7 2JQ
Best nursery. Childcare WindsorNursery. Childcare. Windsor
Terms and Conditions
All children are welcome to attend in accordance with our Admissions and Fees Policy a copy of which may be viewed at our setting or is available upon request.
All children must be registered on the Waiting List before a place can be allocated and places are allocated in accordance with how long a child has been on the Waiting List and with our Admissions Policy.
On commencing at the setting, children are required to attend a minimum of three sessions per week (excluding forest school).​
An offer of a place will be made in writing to parents/carers and the setting’s Terms & Conditions and Registration Form forwarded to the parents/carers at this time.
Parents/carers must complete and return both our Terms & Conditions and Waiting List/Registration Form, together with either the deposit of £50 (*deductible from the first term’s fees) or the full term’s fees as indicated in the invoice sent to them. Only upon receipt of both documents and the requested monies is a child’s place confirmed at the setting. Thereafter if parents/carers have a change in circumstances, or a change of mind that prevents their child starting at the setting; they will still be liable for the full terms fees.
All fees are payable termly in advance and must be received on or before the date stated on the Invoice issued prior to the start of each term. Late payment will result in an additional ‘late payment charge’ and/or a child not being allowed to access their sessions - it may also be deemed by the Manager that the place is no longer required and will be immediately offered to another child on the Waiting List.
Payments may be transferred by bank transfer to Marlow Montessori School. We are also pleased to accept Childcare vouchers, tax free childcare payments and offer the current government early years funding scheme for up to 29 hours per week only. Funding is deducted from total invoice. If for some reason the funding code is flagged as not valid by the local authority, parents/carers will still be liable for the full value of the invoice.
If for any reason full payment of the term’s fees are not received within 14 days of the due date stated on the invoice then Marlow Montessori reserves the right to withdraw a child’s place with immediate effect. Where parents have been offered a payment plan to help spread the cost of their child’s fees, the school must receive the agreed payments by the due dates agreed in writing. Failure to do so may result in the school withdrawing the child’s place with immediate effect until the payments are brought up to date.
Fees are set on a per hour basis are are typically reviewed annually. Any increase will take effect on the 1st day of the following term. The school will endeavour to give a minimum of a half-term’s notice of any increase in fees.
One complete terms notice, or fees in lieu of notice, is required when a pupil leaves the school or wishes to reduce sessions. Notice must be given in writing to the setting and must be received before the first day of term for your child to leave or reduce sessions at the end of that term. Parents are advised that they will be liable for the full term’s fees if they do not give the correct notice.
It is the school's policy to always enforce the liability, so it is a fair system for everyone concerned.
The Manager has absolute discretion to request the withdrawal of a child from the setting if the child and/or his/her family or carer either verbally or physically abuse anyone connected to the setting. A full investigation by the Manager will follow any such allegation/incident and a decision in writing made to the family as to the future attendance of the child. No fees will be returnable where a child is withdrawn under these circumstances.
The school budget is based on the number of children enrolled and the tuition fees received. School overheads and expenses do not diminish if a child is absent, therefore no reductions can be made in fees for a child's absence due to illness, holidays in term time or any other reasons.
The school has insurance cover, the details of which are available on our Notice board. Parents remain at liberty to take out their own insurance.
We will adhere to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations (2018) when collecting and processing information about you and your child. We explain how your data is processed, collected, kept up-to-date in our Privacy Notice which is available on our website.
If due to bad weather or any other unforeseen circumstance, it is prudent or necessary to close the school, this will wherever possible be posted on our online system Blossom, on our website and Facebook prior to the start of the school day. Please note that in these circumstances, as with Bank Holidays, no refunds or sessions in lieu will be offered.
As the school is located in a village hall there are occasions when the premises are required for use as a Polling Station and the school will not open. These occasions are infrequent and we aim to give parents as much notice as possible. Please note however that no refunds or sessions in lieu will be offered.
Terms and Conditions are updated regularly, and it may be necessary from time to time to update or vary the terms and conditions without notice to parents, in which case the terms and conditions will remain binding. Please refer to the website for the most current version.
Parents are advised that the setting is understanding of the fact that a ‘one-off’ late collection of a child may occur, however, parents/carers must message the setting via the Blossom app to advise us that they will be late and to give an estimation of their arrival time so that we may reassure their child.
If your child is not collected on time, our legal liability relating to the staff/child ratio will be infringed as two members of staff must remain at the nursery until the last child has been collected. Any parent/carer who is late collecting their child will have to pay a charge which helps to cover the additional staffing costs incurred for this reason. The charge is £10 for the first 15 minutes, with an additional £5 for every 15 minutes (or part of) thereafter.
Please sign and return this document before your child starts with us, together with either the *deposit requested below or our fees as set out in your invoice to confirm your child’s place.
I/we have read and accept the terms and conditions of Marlow Montessori School. I/we confirm that I/we wish to accept a place for my/our child at Marlow Montessori School with the sessions as indicated below (please circle relevant sessions):
Name of child : ________________________
Monday: AM / PM / Full day / Lunch club
Tuesday: AM / PM / Full day / Lunch club
Wednesday: AM / PM / Full day / Lunch club
Thursday: AM / PM / Full day / Lunch club
Friday: AM / PM / Full day / Lunch club
Select, as appropriate:
[ ] a deposit of £50 required to confirm this place and which will be deducted from your first invoice.
[ ] payment of first term's invoice
Signed Parent/Guardian _______________________ Date: __________
Print Name ________________________________